
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hosts India out of the Hockey World Cup 2010

The hosts India are out of the International Hockey World Cup 2010. Their way to the exit was made sure when the hosts lost their critical match against England on Saturday, 7th March. Even after getting such an overwhelming support from the spectators all over the country, their team couldn't even get past the first round of plays.

Pakistan vs India
The Indian team made an impressive and interesting start into the World Cup 2010 by winning their first match against Pakistan for 4 goals against 1. But it was the only time when the country could be proud of its National team. The country with Hockey as its national game, started its normal journey there after. They lost all the following matches at big margins. Poor performances against Australia and Spain showed them a defeat of 5-2 against both the countries. In their second last league match, they again lost to England for a score of 3 goals to 2. Thus, was the performance of once Champions, India, in Hockey World Cup 2010.
A simple analysis of the performance of the Indian Hockey team highlights their two big weaknesses which are poor defense and inefficiency in converting Penalty corners to goals. The match against Australia had brought in so many comments about the poor Indian defense. But, still the team was not able to understand or find a solution for it's issues. They repeated the same issues against Spain and also England. The match against England showed the heights of inefficient defense, which resulted in accepting two goals which were gifted to the opposition. The Federation needs to think and analyze seriously about the situation of the team, and take the necessary actions to resolve its current problems. Else, the interest of every Indian in his National Game should hit a blow!

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